Dungeons & Dragons 3 Movie Review

The Dungeons and Dragons movie disappointed the world in 2000, and Wrath of the Dragon God left everyone to believe that while a D&D movie may be a fun idea, it will never be "good" in 2005, it took until 2012 for the third attempt at a motion picture about a legendary adventure taking place in the world of the legendary game. Legendary. Legends.

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Blood Rage Movie Review - Thanksgiving Slasher!

Holidays at their heart are about family, and when your family consists of (blog post) a twin brother who has been in an insane asylum for a ...Source: Blood Rage Movie Review - Thanksgiving Slasher! - Decker Shado More Videos

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8 Man Movie Review

Back in 1992, when robotic police were the "thing," 8 Man sought to ride the coattails of Robocop, despite the truth being that the original 8 Man manga and anime series came out much, MUCH earlier. Still, as this was the only live action film adaptation to take place, it ended up being compared to Robocop more often than (blog post) not. Especia

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Gingerdead Man VS Evil Bong Movie Review

What goes better with movies about killer paraphernalia than movies about killer snacks? Mix the two together, and you get Gingerdead Man vs Evil Bong... which is science fiction movie reviews not so much the two movies mixed together, but an (blog post) Evil Bong movie where nothing happens horror movies and then there's a stabbing before the cr

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Blood Harvest Movie Review

THE MARCH OF THE CLOWNS 2022 kicks off with a cult classic slasher from 1987, Blood Harvest! Tiny Tim stars as Mervo the Magnificent, a clown who happens to be around while a horror movie occurs. People are missing, the final girl is being tormented, and the director science fiction movie is trying to figure out how many scenes he can get her in

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